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I’ve heard a lot of good things about ASP.NET Core so I thought I’d check it out. It feels very different to the Microsoft development I’m used to, but after a bit of a learning curve I’m very impressed.

Why ASP.NET Core?

Rather than just bringing out a new version of ASP.NET with version 5, Microsoft decided to give us ASP.NET Core 1.0.

So far it seems pretty cool and addresses some of the issues with good old Microsoft development.

Microsoft can describe it better than I can; so here it is.

ASP.NET Core is a new open-source and cross-platform framework for building modern cloud based internet connected applications, such as web apps, IoT apps and mobile backends.

ASP.NET Core has a number of architectural changes that result in a much leaner and modular framework. ASP.NET Core is no longer based on System.Web.dll. It is based on a set of granular and well factored NuGet packages. This allows you to optimize your app to include just the NuGet packages you need. The benefits of a smaller app surface area include tighter security, reduced servicing, improved performance, and decreased costs in a pay-for-what-you-use model. According to Microsoft, there a lot benefits from moving to the new framework.

ASP.NET Core Introduction

Some of the main benefits that made me want to try it out include;

  • Lightweight, modular system
  • Cross platform (yes, that’s right, it runs on Linux and Mac!)
  • Use a text editor rather than Visual Studio
  • Open source


As I’ve mentioned, one of the most exciting things about ASP.NET Core is that it is cross platform.

It can run on Windows, Mac, Docker and various Linux platforms. My mind was blown when I ran my first C# application on Linux!

Download and install instructions for your chosen platform are available here.

I purposefully avoided the Windows installation with Visual Studio as I was keen to try it with just a text editor. Visual Studio is great and I love it, but I do find it can feel slow and clunky, especially on older laptops.

Basic set up

After installation you can have a .NET application running in just 5 lines.

mkdir hwapp
cd hwapp
dotnet new
dotnet restore
dotnet run    


With ASP.NET Core being pretty different from what I’m used to I wanted to hold on to something I knew, so I set out to build an MVC site with it.

Overall, things went pretty smoothly but there were definitely some head banging moments. Mainly these were caused by the documentation being so bad. Maybe I just need to get my head around Core more first but I didn’t find them very useful at all. They spend a lot of time explaining the concepts and patterns behind MVC itself rather than how to set up a site in Core.

The tutorials weren’t a great deal of help either as they wanted you to use the Visual Studio templates. Something I was avoiding as I wanted to get it working with the minimal amount of boilerplate/templating I could.


After running the initializer, a controller was my first step.

So I added my folder, added my controller class, used the new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc reference and unsurprisingly it didn’t work. Rather than a nice tutorial to use I had to bounce about the docs for a while.

A couple of things are needed to get the controller to work.


In an ASP.NET Core program you can use an optional startup configuration file.

Along with the Configuration method required in a startup class, you also can have an optional ConfigureServices method. This takes an IServiceCollection, and its on here that you need to enable MVC by calling AddMvc().

It’s also in the startup class that you can define your routes for your MVC site. I decided to go for this option;

app.UseMvc(routes =>
            routes.MapRoute("default", "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

but you also have the option of using attribute based routing;

public IActionResult Index()
   return View();


Views work in the same as before so things like view routing etc are as before.

However there area couple of dependencies that need to be added in first. In your project.json add in;

"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor": "1.0.1",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles": "1.0.0"

Then in your Program.cs when you set up your host, you will need to tell your application to use the content root so view routing will work properly.

var host = new WebHostBuilder()

Also, just as with enabling MVC you need to enable using static files in Startup.Configure;


There was one final head scratcher that I was struggling with before I could get Razor views to work. In you project.json, if you have run “dotnet new” you should have a section called “buildOptions”. In this section you will need to add “preserveCompilationContext” as below;

"buildOptions": {
    "preserveCompilationContext": true,
    "debugType": "portable",
    "emitEntryPoint": true


One of the nice features of ASP.NET Core is that it has been designed with dependency injection in mind. I’ve not really tried many of the features yet but it was incredibly easy to setup.

We need another dependency in project.json;

"Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection": "1.0.0",

Then in the ConfigureServices method in the Startup class you can register your dependencies;

services.AddTransient<IGetHomeModels, HomeModelService>();


I found the logging feature very useful. Without I found debugging very difficult. As with the dependency injection this was pretty easy to setup.

Another package reference;

"Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console": "1.0.0"

and enable logging in the Configure method;


Visual Studio Code IDE

I used Visual Studio Code to set up my MVC site and it really surprised me with how good it works as a C# IDE. I was worried that without Resharper it was going to feel like one finger typing.

However, even from this tiny project I was able to use several shortcuts within VSCode.

VSCode was able to “implement interface” on a class, just like in full Visual Studio.

Code snippets are also available, such as, “ctor” to create a constructor within the current class.

Another feature I was surprised to see was the ability to rename easily. Just hit F2 and the rest is taken care of.

With me still getting use to the package system in ASP.NET Core, another useful feature is the “remove unused usings”

With all these IDE features, and I’m sure there will be loads more I just havn’t seen yet, Visual Studio Code is shaping up to be a pretty competent C# IDE.

Next steps

The next couple of steps for me in ASP.NET Core are adding a test project and getting it deployed somewhere.

If you want to fork my base MVC site, here it is.

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