Unity - 2D Velocity

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While making my latest game I wanted to move a sprite that was attached to another sprite via a hinge joint. However I realised that just moving the position of the original sprite’s transform would make the joint fail.

So here is how I added velocity to the sprite to ensure the hinge joint worked appropriately.

Add the velocity

I set a Vector3 for where I wanted the sprite to move to then set the velocity on my RigidBody to equal the Vector3 multipled by a speed value.

Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (-3, 0.0f, 0.0f);
rigidBody.velocity = movement * speed;

The speed value is a public variable so it can be easily set from the Unity editor.

Stop the velocity

Since adding velocity will be using physics within unity, the RigidBody will keep moving even after you stop adding the velocity.

For my game I didn’t want to rely on drag to stop my RigidBody, I wanted a more instant stopping. As such I had to reset the velocity.

rigidBody.velocity = Vector2.zero;

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