Recently I had the opportunity to take part in a debate around Cucumber style tests. Luckily I was arguing for Cucumber tests as I’m actually quite a big fan of them.

What is Cucumber?

A Cucumber test follows the Given, When, Then style. For example;

Given there is a name field
When I enter a number
Then an error message is displayed

Cucumber tests are a very useful way of running automated tests, especially user based acceptance tests. However they are much more than that.

Check out to get a much more detailed explanation.

My points for Cucumber

Single source of truth

They provide a single source of truth of the software being created. Creating a single set of requirements/tests that can follow the software through the entire development life cycle.

Living documentation

Living documentation is another benefit that comes from using Cucumber tests. If the requirements change, you will then have to change the software. Since you will have breaking tests you are forced to keep them (and you documentation) up to date.

Avoiding regression

Since these tests can be automated and be part of a build pipeline, rework can be avoided when new features are added.


This I think is probably one of the main benefits of this style of test. Getting the correct Given, When, and Then isn’t easy. However, whenever I have seen Cucumber used, it has always been a great conversation starter. It provides a common language for technical and non-technical to come together and focus on the behavior of the software.

Some well made points against Cucumber

So this was a debate and did have some good arguments againt the use of Cucumber tests.

It’s another tool we need to learn

Yes, it is another tool that people would need to learn. However if you can get it part of your workflow, the benefits should outweigh that effort. Although I do agree that you don’t need Cucumber to get the benefits. If you can get the benefits using your current tooling then why would you add another layer of complexity. But I have found that Cucumber is a great way to start realising those benefits.

They are brittle

Yes, Cucumber can tests can become extremely brittle. Especially if they are tightly coupled to a UI. However I feel that can be said about a lot of code. Tests should be treated like the code that it is. The same care will need to be taken when writing the tests as any code would need, such as following the 4 simple rules of code and refactoring techniques.

The debate

Here are my great slides from the debate;

And here is the debate itself;

And the following discussions;


Cucumber tests can be very useful and are more than just automated tests. However, as with many tools, they are not a silver bullet. They need to be thought about carefully and weigh up are the advantages greater than the cost.

Continuing to work through the awesome tutorials I decided I needed to know more about the javscript object model, so here are my solutions to the Planet Proto workshop.

This was a really useful set of tutorials, it felt like it filled in a big gap in my javscript knowledge.

Planet proto lessons
The lessons available in Planet Proto.

Each lesson in this tutorial comes with a handy boilerplate file that explains what is required and you need to fill in the results in the test assertions.

Simple Objects

Lesson one explains the easiest way to create an object in javascript; using object literals.

// -> Create an object called 'robot' using an object literal
// -> robot should have a property 'smart' with value true
var robot =  {
    smart: true

// -> Claim the result
claim(, true);

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    robot: robot


Lesson two goes on to explain about the __proto__ object. While usually supported, its behaviour has only been standardised in ECMAScript 6 as a legacy feature and changing an objects prototype is a very slow operation. So while its not advised to use, its good place to start learning about the object model.

One object can be set as the prototype of another. This allows for the properties of the prototype to be available on the parent object.

You can check the prototype of an object with the .isPrototypeOf() function which returns true/false.

/* global claim */
// -> Create a machine object
//    with a property motors = 4
var machine = {
    motors: 4

// -> Create a robot object
//    with a property friendly = true
var robot = {
    friendly: true

// -> Create a robby object
var robby ={}

// -> Make machine the prototype of robot
robot.__proto__ = machine;

// -> Make robot the prototype of robby
robby.__proto__ = robot;

// -> What is `robby.motors`?
claim(robby.motors, 4);

// -> What is `robby.friendly`?
claim(robby.friendly, true);

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    machine: machine,
    robot:   robot,
    robby:   robby

Dynamic Lookups

Properties can be added to the prototype at any time and those properties will be available on the parent object.

// -> Let's define three objects: 'machine' 'vehicle' and 'robot'
var machine = {}
var vehicle = {}
var robot = {}

// -> Make machine the prototype of vehicle
// -> Make machine the prototype of robot
vehicle.__proto__ = machine;
robot.__proto__ = machine;

// -> What is `vehicle.motors`?
claim(vehicle.motors, undefined);

// -> What is `robot.motors`?
claim(robot.motors, undefined);

// -> Define a 'motors' property on machine, set this to 4
machine.motors = 4;

// -> What is `vehicle.motors` now?
claim(vehicle.motors, 4);

// -> What is `robot.motors`?
claim(robot.motors, 4);

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    machine: machine,
    vehicle: vehicle,
    robot:   robot

Property assignments

Properties that are updated on the parent object are assigned to the object and don’t update the prototype.

// -> Define three objects: 'machine', 'robot' and 'vehicle'
//    In the definition of machine add a property 'motors' set to null.
var machine = {
    motors: null
var robot = {}
var vehicle = {}

// -> Let's make machine the prototype of robot and vehicle
vehicle.__proto__ = machine;
robot.__proto__ = machine;

// -> What are `machine.motors`, `robot.motors` and `vehicle.motors`?
claim(machine.motors, null);
claim(robot.motors, null);
claim(vehicle.motors, null);

// -> Set `robot.motors` to 4 by direct assignment
robot.motors = 4

// -> What are `machine.motors`, `robot.motors` and `vehicle.motors` now?
claim(machine.motors, null);
claim(robot.motors, 4);
claim(vehicle.motors, null);

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    machine:  machine,
    vehicle:  vehicle,
    robot:    robot

Arrays and Objects

Strangely arrays and objects don’t behave in the same way. If you update an array or object property on a parent object they are updated on the prototype.

// -> Create three objects: 'machine', 'robot' and 'vehicle'
// -> In the definition of machine set a property 'parts', set it to an 
//    empty array `[]`
// -> In the definition of machine set a property 'capabilities', set it to 
//    an empty object `{}`
var machine = {
    parts: [],
    capabilities: {}
var robot = {}
var vehicle = {}

// -> Let's set the prototype of both robot and vehicle to machine
robot.__proto__ = machine;
vehicle.__proto__ = machine;

// -> What is ``?
claim(, []);

// -> What is ``?
claim(, []);

// -> What is `robot.capabilities`?
claim(robot.capabilities, {});

// -> What is `vehicle.capabilities`?
claim(vehicle.capabilities, {});

// -> Let's add a 'core' part to robot'core');

// -> What is `` now?
claim(, ['core']);

// -> What is `` now?
claim(, ['core']);

// -> Let's set an ability to vehicle = true;

// -> What is `robot.capabilities` now?
claim(robot.capabilities, {fly:true});

// -> What is `vehicle.capabilities` now?
claim(vehicle.capabilities, {fly:true});

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    machine: machine,
    vehicle:    vehicle,
    robot:    robot

Object Create

So by setting __proto__ directly it has easier to see how it behaves, however it is not yet fully supported. A more supported method is to pass the prototype to Object.create().

// -> Let's create an object called 'machine'
var machine = {}

// -> Use Object.create to create another object called 'robot' with 'machine' 
//    set as the prototype
var robot = Object.create(machine)

// -> Use Object.create to create another object called 'robby' with 'robot' 
//    as the prototype
var robby = Object.create(robot)

// -> What is the result of `machine.isPrototypeOf(robby)`?
claim(machine.isPrototypeOf(robby), true);

// -> What is the result of `robot.isPrototypeOf(robby)`?
claim(robot.isPrototypeOf(robby), true);

// -> Which object is the direct prototype of robby?
claim.same(Object.getPrototypeOf(robby), robot);

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    machine:  machine,
    robot:    robot,
    robby:    robby

Dot new

A nice way of using Object.create() is to create a function on an object called new(). When new() is called return Object.create(this).

// -> Define an object called 'Robot'
// -> Define a method called 'new' in Robot
// -> When is called it should return a new object with Robot as its prototype 
//    e.g. var robby =;
//    Robot should be the prototype of robby

var Robot = {} = function(){
    return Object.create(this)

var robby =

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    Robot: Robot

Constructor functions

A popular way of creating prototype chains is to use constructor functions. This works by creating a function that has statements like this.{propertyName} = x. Then you call the function with new. The return object is linked to the function by its prototype.

// -> Define a 'Robot' constructor function
// -> Inside the Robot constructor assign a property 'motors' on 'this',
//    set motors to 2
// -> Create an instance of Robot called 'robby'

function Robot(){
    this.motors = 2

var robby = new Robot()

// -> What is the result of `(robby instanceof Robot)`?
claim((robby instanceof Robot), true);

// -> What is `robby.motors`?
claim(robby.motors, 2);

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    Robot:  Robot,
    robby:  robby

Implicit This

When a constructor function is called with “new”, Javascript has an implicit reference to the new object being created with the “this” keyword. So it’s important to remember the “new”. To help remember to use “new” it is common to capitalise the first letter of the constructor function.

With my background in C# this is the method of creating instances of objects that is the most natural to me.

// -> Define two constructor functions: 'Robot' and 'Vehicle'
// -> When called with 'new', the Robot constructor function should return 
//    the implicit 'this'
// -> When called with 'new', the Vehicle constructor function should return 
//    an object of your own making, not the implicit 'this'.

function Robot(){

function Vehicle(){
    return {}

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    Robot:    Robot,
    Vehicle:  Vehicle

The function prototype

So this one took a bit to get my head around.

Every function in Javascript has a property called prototype. This is not the same as __proto__. It is the object that an instance created by the function will have as its own __proto__.

So any property added to functionName.prototype will be available to all instances created by that function.

// -> Define a 'Robot' function constructor
// -> Create two instances of Robot: 'robby' and 'cranky'
// -> Both robby and cranky should respond to 'parts' and 'capabilities', these 
//    should be empty arrays at first

function Robot(){ = []

Robot.prototype.capabilities = []

var robby = new Robot()
var cranky = new Robot()

// -> Claim the result of
claim(, []);
// -> Claim the result of
claim(, []);
// -> Claim the result of robby.capabilities
claim(robby.capabilities, []);
// -> Claim the result of cranky.capabilities
claim(cranky.capabilities, []);

// -> Add 'core' to, should still be empty
// -> Add 'fly' to robby.capabilities, after doing that cranky.capabilities must 
//    also have 'fly' without adding to it directly, so this property has to be 
//    shared'core')

// -> Claim the result of
claim(, ['core']);
// -> Claim the result of
claim(, []);
// -> Claim the result of robby.capabilities
claim(robby.capabilities, ['fly']);
// -> Claim the result of cranky.capabilities
claim(cranky.capabilities, ['fly']);

// ------------------------------------------------
// Common JS exports for verification, don't modify
module.exports = {
    Robot:  Robot,
    robby:  robby,
    cranky: cranky

Using node-windows was the first time I’ve tried to setup a Node application as a Windows service and I couldn’t believe how simple it was.

I needed to serve up a static html file, so installing and configuring IIS seemed like overkill. So for in order to get the file served as quickly as possible I made a very basic express.js app.

Setting up the express app

To initially set up the app and create the package.json I ran the below command and taking all of the defaults apart fron the entry point which I set to app.js

npm init

Once the package.json file is in place from running npm init, then I installed express itself.

npm install express --save

The app.js file itself was extremely basic. Listen on a port and just return the html file.

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var path    = require("path");

app.get('/', function (req, res) {

app.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');

To make the app accessible I just needed to add a new firewall rule in for the port it was listening on.

Adding the app as a Windows service

Initially I ran the express app from the command line with

node app.js

Which worked great initially, however, unsurprisingly it wasn’t long until someone else logged on to the server and thought “I wonder why this command prompt is open, lets close it”.

I was told about node-windows and thought I’d give it a go.

First job was to install node-windows globally

npm install -g node-windows

Then at my project root

npm link node-windows

Finally, I ran the below script taken from the docs with updating the path to app.js

var Service = require('node-windows').Service;

// Create a new service object 
var svc = new Service({
    name:'Hello World',
    description: 'The example web server.',
    script: 'C:\\MyApp\\app.js'

// Listen for the "install" event, which indicates the 
// process is available as a service. 


and that was it! The express app was then accessible without having to run the app via the command line.

So this was just the basic setup of node-windows but it does have other features that are pretty cool. These include uninstalling services, killing processes by their PID and a clever wrapper around the node app for handling if the app crashes and needs restarting.

DbUp is an open source .Net library that helps making database changes in a deployment an awful lot easier.

The docs for DbUp can be found here, however DbUp is so easy to use there isn’t much to them.


First thing to do in order to get DbUp working is to start a new console application then install the DbUp nuget package.

Install-Package DbUp

Any SQL scripts that you want to be run as part of the application need to be added to the project and set their build action to be an embedded resource. While DbUp keeps a track of the scripts it has run, I find it useful to name the scripts sequentially to help keep them organised.

In Program.cs you will need to add the code from the docs and then you are ready to run the console application. There is a debug conditional in the code with a Console.ReadLine() if there is a failure in the application so you can see the error message. It’s probably me being overly cautious but I also like to put the same debug conditional in for successes as well just so I can review those messages if needs be.

For deployments, all you need to do is run the console application in each environment by using a Powershell script for example.


Just as automated code deployments are important, it’s also important to automate database changes. As its likely that database changes are less common that code changes, it can be very easy to forget to make any required changes if they have to be done manually.

While there are other tools such as Redgate’s SQL Compare and they are awesome, for keeping a database in a correct state for deployments I’m a big fan of DbUp. Rather than just comparing two databases I like to be in control of the changes and write my own scripts.

Another very useful benefit of this approach is that the database scripts can be stored in source control.

Given that DbUp is free and so easy to setup then I think this is a great tool to be part of deployments.

People have been telling me for years how good a book The Goal is and now I’ve finally read it.

Format of the book

The Goal is a management book explaining the Theory of Constraints and how it can be applied to a manufacturing plant. Rather than just explaining the concept, the book is a novel following a stressed out manager trying to save his plant from closing.

What is the goal?

One of the important lessons that I took away from the book was to remember what the goal of an organisation is. For many organisations this is to make money and if the actions aren’t helping towards the goal then they probably aren’t the right actions.

For example reducing costs in itself is not the goal, especially if it comes at the cost of sales.

The goal puts forward a simplified method of measuring yourself against your goal. It consists of three measures; throughput, inventory and operational expense. An organisation will want to raise throughput (revenue) while reducing inventory (money in work in progress) and operational expenses.

Theory of constraints

The book explains how the plant manager can help the plant by looking at where the bottlenecks or constraints are in the plant and work to maximise their efficiencies. Many people in the company were looking at the wrong performance indicators. For example they were focusing on cost per part and ensuring that all staff were busy all of the time.

However, its important to identify the system’s constraints. As the book explains, an hour lost on a bottleneck resource is an hour lost to the whole system due to its impact on throughput. It is much more important to have an optimised system rather than locally optimised parts of the system.

The approach to a problem

A system’s constraint isn’t always going to be a physical resource. It could be external, personal or a process so its useful to have a process of how to deal with different bottlenecks. The process that the plant manager comes up with is 5 steps to deal with a constraint.

  1. Identify the constraint
  2. Decide how to exploit the constraint
  3. Subordinate everything else to the constraint
  4. Elevate the contraint
  5. If the constraint is no longer a constraint then go back to step 1

Once changes have been put into place to help the bottleneck it is important to not let inertia stop further improvements. If an action helps to improve throughput it doesn’t mean that the action will always be the right action. Circumstances change and fighting the inertia of processes can be difficult. Its important to be able to respond to new challenges and opportunities.

How I found the book

When I first started the book I didn’t enjoy that the book was written as a fiction novel. It seemed that the information could be given in a much more succint way. I also didn’t enjoy reading about the main character’s marital problems.

However after finishing the book I do think that the style did help the lessons learned to stick. I do think that there is a lot to be learned from this book but I think the main thing I learned was to look after my wife, work is important but some things are more important.