You hear the term “technical debt” a lot in development. You also hear a lot of discussion about how to deal with it. Here I’m going to discuss why I don’t like the term.

What is technical debt

From my experience, “technical debt” is a term applied to any technical task that isn’t directly related to a new feature.

Examples of this could be, refactoring an old piece of code, scripting the creation of a site or putting a new type of automated tests in place.

Why I don’t like the term

I’m not saying technical tasks aren’t important. I hope they are or I’d be out of work.

The term “technical debt” hides the real reason that the technical task should be carried out. I see it as if someone asks why you are doing that task your response could be “you don’t need to worry about it, it’s technical”.

It implies that there isn’t value to be gained from doing that work, like paying a debt, you aren’t improving your balance just getting back to zero.

It’s a very rare situation that you have unlimited resources to polish and refine something. Decisions are made when “enough is enough”, and I feel that is a benefit of working in an agile environment. You get as much value as you can for the decided budget.

Focus on value

You need to ask yourself “why do I feel this task needs doing?”.

As with adding a new feature (I hope) you would set out your success criteria, the problem you are trying to solve and the value you hope to gain.

Lets take an old piece of code that could do with some refactoring as an example. When was this code last updated? Are you likely to need to be in this area of the solution anytime soon? If you haven’t touched the code for long time and it’s not throwing errors, why does it need refactoring? What’s the value to be gained here?

It’s also good to remember that there are different types of value. New features aren’t the only things that deliver value. Scripting the creation of your server for example is something that could easily be classified as technical debt. However, being able to recover your server quickly in the event of failure sounds pretty valuable to me.

Then what should we call it?

Perhaps the distinction between “features” and other work is part of the problem? Why does a piece of work need to be defined separately to another?

Work is work and you should be working on the most valuable thing you can. It shouldn’t matter if that work is adding a new feature or updating an old one.

How we should deal with technical issues

I would say it depends on what this “debt” is.

If it is indeed a piece or “work” then treat it as such. Examine the value you expect to get from it and prioritise it accordingly.

For any refactoring “debt” I really like Uncle Bob’s boy scout rule. Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a pretty big fan of Uncle Bob (if you’ve not heard of him, check him out here. Basically, you always leave the code in a better state than when you found it. By following this principle, the code base should be cleaned up relatively quickly while still delivering value.

Don’t get me wrong, refactoring is extremly important but I would be wary of refactoring with the goal of refactoring. If you are refactoring something so new functionality can be added or some other value gained, fantastic. If you are refactoring and don’t know the value that will come from it, why are you doing it?


There is no such thing as techincal debt.

There is however, more work to do. Treat it like you would any other piece of work. Understand the expected value and plan accordingly.

Recently I tried migrating a SQL Server LocalDB to Azure and found what I thought would be an easy job, to actually be a bit pf a pain.

I’m not saying this is the best way to get a LocalDB live on Azure but below is the easiest way I could find, if anyone knows a better way, please feel free to let me know.

Why LocalDB

Usually I wouldn’t choose to develop against a LocalDB database but I had started my site with a Visual Studio template MVC site and thats what it gave me.

Moving to Azure

Now this is what I thought would be the easy bit. My local prototpye had gone well, so lets get this bad boy live! LocalDB is just a mdf and a ldf file like any SQL database, so I didn’t foresee any issues.

azure database
Creating a new Azure SQL Server database

However, the only way I could find in Azure to upload an existing database was to use a .bacpac file.

SQL Server Management Studio

I couldn’t figure out a way of getting the .bacpac file directly from LocalDB or from within Visual Studio. The easiest way I could think of was to attach the mdf file to a local of instance of SQL Server. The fact that I didn’t have a local instance and had to set one up was a bit annoying.

attach database
Attach a LocalDB to a SQL Server instance

Export Data Tier Application

In order to get the .bacpac file, you need to select Export Data Tier from the Tasks menu of the database. You can select a local drive or upload the .bacpac directly to an Azure storage account. Bear in mind, that using this method you will need an storage account. Even if you store the .bacpac locally, you will need to upload to a storage account first in order to restore to an Azure SQL server.

export data tier
Export data tier application

Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database

The option I went for was Deploy Database to Microsoft SQL Database. With this method you do however need a connection string to an existing Azure SQL server. In order to get this, I made a free small database using the Azure portal, which creates an Azure SQL server at the same time as the database.

With the connection string you can then import the database directly. Once the import is finished, then you can delete the first database.

deploy database
Deploy database to Microsoft Azure SQL database

Generate Scripts

Another option would be to use the Generate Scripts task. However, this would also require attaching the LocalDB to a local instance of SQL Server.

By default, gnerating the scripts of a database will only generate the scripts for the schema.

If you also want to deploy the data in your database, don’t forget to select “Schema and data” from the advanced scripting options in the Generate Scripts wizard.

generate database scripts
Generate SQL database scripts

I was surprised at how awkward it was to transfer a LocalDB from a local prototype to Azure. There are a few different options to getting it done, it really depends on what you currently have set up in Azure for which one will be easiest for you.

And these are just the ways that I found, if anyone has any easier/quicker methods it would be great to hear them.

I thought I’d give Manifold JS a try and create a hosted web app for Android. You can find my very first app in the Google Play store here

pickawinner app
My first Adorid app!

Manifold JS

Manifold JS is a node application that will package up a website like a native app.

You can get it from NPM or you can use the package generator from their site. I decided to go down the package generator route as it will create the W3C manifest and give you any warnings that you may have for your target device.

Android Asset Studio

I’m not a designer, so one thing I found massively useful in getting my website ready to be an app was Android Asset Studio. It’s a really quick and easy way to create the icons in the needed sizes for the Google Play store.

You can use an image if you have one or you can generate your icons just with text.

Android Studio

Once you have completed the package creation and download from Manifold JS there will be a Gradle file under the Android folder.

You’ll need to install the Java SDK and Android Studio. Using Android Studio an APK will need to be generated. Luckily you don’t really need to know how to use Android Studio (as I dont…yet).

Import the Gradle file, then under the build menu select Generate Signed APK. It has to be a signed APK in order to be uploaded to the Google Play Developer Console.

build apk
Generate a signed APK

Google Play Developer Console

You can sign up to the Google Play Developer Console here.

After signing up, you need to upload the APK created in Android Studio. There are also some questions to fill out about the purpose of the app, along with providing screen shots for the store. With the form filled out, its time to publish! This can take a few hours but in the console you can check on its status.

Benefits of hosted web apps

The major benefit I found with this approach to getting an app in the store was the flexibility of being able to create a website in whatever language you like. The increased speed of getting a site ready and getting cross platform apps quickly is very helpful.

Drawback of a hosted web app

One drawback I found with creating a hosted web app is that the website needs to be performant. For this example project my site was hosted on a free Azure web app. This did work, but the free web apps switch off if they aren’t used. As such, the Android app can take a long time to start if no one has used it for a while.

I’m a big fan of Azure and the Web Apps especially. I know how easy it is to deploy an ASP.Net or Node app. I assumed that deploying an ASP.Net Core app would be as easy, turns out I was wrong.

There are a few steps to complete before the app will work in Azure.

But I got it working in the end, and here it is!


Firstly you need to set the SDK version in the global.json file, so your local version will match the one being used in Azure.

    "projects": [
    "sdk": {
        "version": "1.0.0-preview2-1-003177"

You can get your local dotnet version by;

dotnet --version

Thanks to Scott Hanselman for getting me over the first hurdle.

Configuring your app to run in IIS

For your app to work in Azure, you need to configure it to work with IIS and there are a few steps to this. The detail on them can be found here


Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration needs adding as a dependency in project.json.

There are a few additions needed to the file as well.

"tools": {
  "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.Tools": "1.1.0-preview4-final"

"scripts": {
  "postpublish": "dotnet publish-iis --publish-folder %publish:OutputPath% --framework %publish:FullTargetFramework%"

Any files that will need to be deployed with your app, such as the now required web.config will need to go in the publishing options. The publishOptions docs are here

"publishOptions": {
    "include": ["wwwroot", "Views"],


Now we are setting the app up to run in IIS we will need a web.config. This is my basic web.config, just the processPath dll will need to be updated;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified" />
    <aspNetCore processPath=".\Site.dll" arguments="" forwardWindowsAuthToken="false" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile="\\?\%home%\LogFiles\stdout" />


In the webHostBuilder in Program.cs you need to call .UseIISIntegration()

var host = new WebHostBuilder()

Troubleshooting Azure

There was a lot of hair pulling to get this up and running, but on the bright side it was good practice trouble shooting Azure.


To turn on logging in Azure, go to Diagnostic Logs and turn on Application Logging and Failed request tracing.

azure logging
How to turn on Azure logging


Kudu has some very useful tools for an Azure web app. To reach Kudu, go to {your app name}

One of the things I find very useful in Kudu is the Process explorer. It shows which process are running on your instance.

Another useful tool is Debug Console. From here you can explore the files that have been deployed for your app, but also any logs. You can also access the command line, very helpful in investigating any issues.

And if all else fails, under Tools you have the Diagnostic dump. This downloads all your logs in one zip file.

I’ve decided to learn how unit testing can work in Javascript in order to start writing Javascript I trust. Here is my mocha example


I decided to go with Mocha as my test framework as it seems pretty popular and I’ve heard good things about it.

Good old npm made it easy to setup as usual.

npm install mocha --save-dev

I decided not to bring in any assertion libraries such as Chai as it was a small project, relying on node’s assert library seemed adequate.

If any of my tests get more complicated I may look at other assertion libraries, but so far I feel that if a test needs a complicated assertion then the test itself is likely to be testing more that one thing.

Pending tests

One of the fetures of mocha that I was really impressed with was the ability to have pending tests.

If you call the “it” function with only a decsription, in the results the test will be show up as pending. This feature could be really useful to get all the requirements down first and work through them as a check list.


If you have any asynchronous code that has a callback you’ll need to use the done method. Mocha passes the done parameter to each test, it can then be called from the callback function.

Without done, any tests that have asynchronous code will always return positive as the assertion will not have been called. This is one thing I didn’t like about mocha, for me, if a test has no assertion it should return negative.

describe('service(param, callback)', function () {
    it('should square the first param', function (done) {
        var param = 3;
        var expectedResult = 9;
        callbackExample.service(param, function (err, data) {
            assert.equal(data, expectedResult);

npm scripts

To run the tests easily I put the command in to the package.json, using the local install of mocha.

"scripts": {
  "test": "node ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha"


As with any unit tests, having mocha tests in place has made refactoring a lot easier.

When making applications in node, my code is much easier to break down in to small, testable modules. I find its a good rule of thumb that if code is difficult to test, it’s probably not designed very well.